DTN ProphetX® Web Services


This operation provides Equity scan information from the three US stock exchanges, NYSE, NYSE-AMEX or the NASDAQ selected by latest type of activity.

Parameter Value
Password* Password is case sensitive.
Report Desired report code, which can be Gainers(G), Percent Gainers(PG), Losers(L), Percent Losers(PL), Active(A), Volatile(V), 52 Week High(52H), 52 Week Low(52L). Anything else defaults to A.
Market Market code, which can be NYSE(12), NYALT(AMEX)(1), NASDAQ(14) or ALL(0). Anything else defaults to ALL.
Type A comma separated list of FIDs, which can be entered as numeric codes or names.  Special codes "A", "F", "S" and "P" can be used for pre-defined lists of "all", "full", "short" or "price based" FIDs. Default value is a pre-defined list of FIDs.
Limit The limit on the number of symbols to return. Default value is 100.
Format+ Optional parameter to request the result in an specific format.  Default value is XML.


*Mandatory parameters are marked with an asterisk.
+This parameter is not supported when using the STD invocation.

The GetMarketScans operation provides Equity scan information from the three US stock exchanges, NYSE, NYSE-AMEX or the NASDAQ.  User needs to have access rights for real-time data from one of these exchanges for the function to provide the requested information.

The result contains the top stocks meeting the criteria of the specified market scan request.

The following scan reports are available for use:

If the scan report field is blank the default report type of Active(A) is assumed.

The Market parameter allows the selection of the desired exchange within the report:

Any other value in the Market parameter defaults to ALL.


Supported format codes are: XML, HTM, CSV and JSN.