This operation retrieves a list of options available for an option prefix (option root and maturity). The operation will also query data for the underlying of the specified option root. The option data will also include the StrikeLevel fid which indicates if the option is currently at the money, in the money, or out of the money. At the money means the strike is the closest one to the current underlying price. In the money means either a Call with a strike below the underlying price or a Put with a strike above the underlying. Out of the money means either a Call with a strike above the underlying price or a Put with a strike below the underlying price.
By default all options matching the prefix will be returned. The limit parameter can be used to get fewer results. If limit is specified the operation returns the specified limit number of options above and below the at the money strike price.
*Mandatory parameters are marked with an asterisk.
Supported format codes are: XML, JSN, and CSV.